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Shahadah refers to a declaration of the fundamental Islamic faith that circles the Oneness of Only God Almighty and the Prophethood.....

Shahadah refers to a declaration of the fundamental Islamic faith that centers on the Oneness of Only God Almighty and the Prophethood of the final Messenger Muhammad (PBUH). The literal meaning of Shahadah goes as follows:

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and there is no partner with Him. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and a Messenger.

This testimony serves as the foundation of Islamic belief, emphasizing monotheism and the acceptance of Muhammad (PBUH) as the last Prophet. It is not just a verbal proclamation but a profound affirmation of faith that encompasses the heart, soul, and mind.

The Oneness of Allah (Tawheed): This declaration begins with the recognition that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala is the Creator, Lord, and Master of the universe. Nothing in existence escapes His knowledge, and His authority encompasses all things. His Exalted Essence transcends time and space, and the vastness of the cosmos cannot contain Him. He is Eternal, Absolute, and Self-Sufficient, while all of creation depends on Him for existence and sustenance.

Allah’s Attributes are unique and unmatched. His Beautiful Names (Asma’ul Husna) reflect His perfect qualities, such as Mercy, Justice, Wisdom, and Power. He is not a conceptual idea or a distant force but the Living God who governs the universe. He is Sovereign, and every aspect of human life—birth, death, prosperity, adversity, health, and illness—lies under His divine control.

Allah’s Will is supreme; whatever He decrees comes to pass, and nothing occurs without His permission. He is the One to be called upon in times of need, the source of all blessings, and the ultimate authority in granting relief. He deserves gratitude, praise, and devotion from His servants, and vows should be made only in His name.

His omnipresence means that His knowledge and authority are ever-present, making Him worthy of reverence, love, and unwavering obedience. Worship belongs to Him alone, and no other being—whether a prophet, angel, saint, or creation—shares in His divinity. As the universe submits to His command, it is obligatory for every human being to follow His laws and guidance.

The Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH): The second part of the Shahadah affirms belief in Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as the final Messenger of Allah. He holds the highest rank among the Prophets and is regarded as the seal of prophethood, meaning no prophet will come after him.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) embodies the pinnacle of human character and moral excellence. His attributes are unparalleled, making him the most beloved servant of Allah. His personality is a perfect blend of light and matter, elevating him above all other creations. Unlike ordinary humans, he was free from base desires, reflecting divine guidance in every action.

Allah revealed the Holy Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the ultimate source of guidance for humanity. The Qur’an, along with the Sunnah (teachings and practices of the Prophet), serves as a comprehensive code for living a righteous life. It is mandatory for Muslims to adhere to these teachings to achieve success in this world and the Hereafter.

Miracles and Divine Support: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was blessed with numerous miracles that affirmed his prophethood. These included the splitting of the moon, the journey of Isra and Miraj (the Night Journey and Ascension), and the revelation of the Qur’an, which remains unmatched in its linguistic and spiritual depth. His prophecies, both those fulfilled and those awaiting fulfillment, further validate his divine mission.

Role as an Intercessor: On the Day of Judgment, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will act as an intercessor with Allah’s permission. He will plead for the forgiveness of the believers, underscoring his mercy and concern for his followers.

Practical Implications of Shahadah: Shahadah is not merely a statement but a commitment to live by the principles it embodies. It requires Muslims to:

  1. Establish regular prayers (Salah) as an act of devotion and remembrance of Allah.
  2. Observe fasting (Sawm) to develop self-discipline and consciousness of Allah.
  3. Pay Zakat (charity) to purify wealth and support the less fortunate.
  4. Perform Hajj (pilgrimage) to the sacred House of Allah in Makkah, symbolizing unity and submission.

The declaration of faith shapes a Muslim’s worldview, guiding their actions, intentions, and interactions. It serves as a reminder to seek Allah’s pleasure, follow the Prophet’s teachings, and maintain moral integrity.

Conclusion: The Shahadah is the cornerstone of Islam, encapsulating the essence of monotheism and the finality of Prophethood. It signifies a lifelong dedication to worshipping Allah alone and emulating the exemplary life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Through this declaration, Muslims affirm their identity, purpose, and ultimate reliance on Allah’s mercy and guidance.

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