September 18, 2024

In the Name of Allah—the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Do alcoholic perfumes and colognes contain Khamr?

Do alcoholic perfumes and colognes
contain Khamr?

Originally, Khamr is a type of
beverage that intoxicates in general, even if some people don’t feel
intoxicated by consuming it. Perfumes and colognes contain either pure methyl
alcohol or denatured alcohol. Alcohol denat, or denatured alcohol, is a type of
alcohol that has been modified to make it unsuitable for drinking, but still
useful for other purposes such as cleaning, disinfecting, or cosmetic
formulation. It is made by adding various chemicals, such as methanol or
isopropyl alcohol, to pure ethanol, which changes its chemical nature and makes
it poisonous or unpalatable. So alcohol denat is a mixture of ethanol and
methanol or isopropyl alcohol but a poisonous substance.

In general,
denatured alcohol is primarily composed of ethanol (C2H5OH),
which is the same type of alcohol found in beer, wine, and other alcoholic
beverages. However, denatured alcohol has additional chemicals added to it,
which can include methanol, isopropanol, or other substances, to make it toxic
or unpalatable.

Therefore, the
chemical formula for alcohol denat is not a single, well-defined compound, but
rather a mixture of ethanol and other chemicals that are added during the
denaturing process.

Ethanol can be
separated from denatured alcohol using a physical process known as
distillation. Distillation works by heating the denatured alcohol mixture to
vaporize the ethanol, which has a lower boiling point than the other chemicals
in the mixture, and then condensing the vapor back into a liquid form. This
process effectively separates the ethanol from the other denaturants, allowing
it to be recovered in a relatively pure form.

It simply means
that ethanol retains its properties even in the shape of denatured alcohol.
While from Hanbali point of view ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is considered Khamr,
regardless of its raw material.
 The presence of ethanol in denatured alcohol makes it Khamr,
even if is not palatable.

The hadith
“Every intoxicant is khamr (wine) and every khamr is haram (forbidden)”
[Sahih Muslim: H#2003, Musnad Ahmad: H#4830] is a well-known
saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which emphasizes the
prohibition of consuming intoxicating substances.

Salim bin Abdullah
bin Umar narrated from his father who narrated from the Prophet, peace be upon
him, that he said
: “Wine is made from grapes, wine is made from dates,
wine is made from barley, wine is made from raisins, and wine is made from honey”.
[Musnad Ahmad:H#5992]

Musa bin Ahmad Al-Hijawi al-Hanbali (d. 968 AH) said:

کل شراب اسکر کثیرہ فقلیلہ حرام، من ای شیء کان، و یسمی خمرا 

 “Every drink that intoxicates in high dose,
in taking its low dose is forbidden, from whatsoever it is made of, it is
called Khamr.”

[Kashaf al-Qina’a:5/99]

According to the official position of Hanbali Madhab, Khamr is Najis that should be avoided. Even intentionally causing Kahmr to convert into vinegar is Haram.


So from this
information, we can conclude that perfumes and colognes contain Khamr
that is Najis. So using such perfumes and colognes on the body and clothes
is not allowed in Hanbali Madhab. However, using alcohol-free perfumes is
permissible but recommended.
Allah knows the best.


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