September 17, 2024

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Prophet Muhammad
Some speakers have claimed that scientists are working on technologies to capture ancient voices, such as the Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad.

Some speakers have claimed that scientists are working on technologies to capture ancient voices, such as the Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). However, this idea remains speculative and unfeasible with current scientific understanding. Sound waves dissipate and are absorbed by the environment over time, making it impossible to retrieve or reconstruct sounds from the past. No existing technology can capture and reconstruct ancient voices that have already dissipated into the atmosphere.

As of now, there is no technology that can capture ancient voices or their frequencies that might have been dispersed in the atmosphere. The idea that past sounds could be “retrieved” from the environment is a fascinating concept often explored in science fiction, but it is not grounded in current scientific understanding. Here are some key points explaining why this is not possible:

Nature of Sound

  1. Sound as a Mechanical Wave: Sound travels through the air as mechanical waves, which are vibrations of air molecules. Once the sound is produced, it propagates through the medium (air) and dissipates over time.
  2. Dissipation and Absorption: Sound waves dissipate and are absorbed by the surrounding environment, losing energy as they travel. This results in the sound eventually fading away and becoming indistinguishable from background noise.

Physical Limitations

  1. Irretrievable Dissipation: Once sound waves have dissipated, the original information they carried is lost. The molecules that were set into motion by the sound waves return to their normal state, making it impossible to reconstruct the original sound.
  2. Lack of Recording Medium: Unlike electromagnetic waves (like light) that can be captured and stored (e.g., photographs), sound waves do not leave a lasting trace in the medium through which they traveled.

Theoretical Considerations

  1. Reconstruction Impracticality: For sound waves to be captured, there would need to be a medium or a method that continuously records all the vibrations in the atmosphere with perfect fidelity. Such a medium does not exist in nature.
  2. Thermodynamic Constraints: The second law of thermodynamics suggests that systems naturally progress toward a state of greater entropy (disorder). This means that once sound energy has dissipated, the original orderly waveforms cannot be reconstructed from the disordered state.

Existing Technologies and Their Limitations

  1. Microphones and Recorders: Modern technology can capture sound using microphones and recorders, but these devices only record sounds in their immediate vicinity and do not have the capability to capture sounds from the distant past.
  2. Acoustic Archaeology: Some researchers use methods like acoustic archaeology to study past environments and how sounds might have behaved in those spaces. However, this field does not involve capturing ancient sounds themselves but rather understanding historical acoustics based on current environmental data.

Laser Interferometry:

Laser interferometry represents a pinnacle of precision measurement technology, widely recognized for its use in groundbreaking scientific endeavors such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). LIGO has famously utilized this technology to detect gravitational waves, ripples in spacetime caused by cataclysmic cosmic events like the collision of black holes. The success of LIGO underscores the remarkable sensitivity of laser interferometers, which can measure incredibly small vibrations and disturbances on the order of a fraction of the diameter of a proton.

Principles of Laser Interferometry

Laser interferometry operates on the principle of interference, where two or more coherent light waves superimpose to produce a pattern of constructive and destructive interference. In a typical interferometer setup, a laser beam is split into two paths that travel different routes and then recombine. Variations in the length of the paths caused by external disturbances result in phase shifts that alter the interference pattern. These alterations are meticulously analyzed to detect minute changes in distance or vibration.

Applications in Detecting Vibrations

While primarily designed for detecting cosmic phenomena, laser interferometry’s extraordinary sensitivity makes it applicable to a range of high-precision measurement tasks. In fields such as seismology, materials science, and engineering, interferometers can detect residual vibrations and structural deformations with unparalleled accuracy. This capability opens intriguing possibilities for their use in more terrestrial applications:

  1. Structural Health Monitoring: Laser interferometers can be employed to monitor the integrity of buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure. By detecting minute vibrations and shifts, engineers can identify early signs of structural weakness or damage, potentially averting catastrophic failures.
  2. Historical Buildings and Artifacts: In the context of preserving cultural heritage, interferometric methods could be used to study vibrations in historical buildings and artifacts. Such studies might reveal how these structures respond to environmental stresses, providing insights into their longevity and stability.
  3. Material Science: In research and development, understanding the vibrational characteristics of new materials can be critical. Laser interferometry can provide detailed measurements of how materials deform under stress, informing the design of more resilient and efficient products.

Limitations Regarding Ancient Sound Waves

Despite its high precision, laser interferometry is not suited for detecting ancient sound waves directly. Sound waves, as mechanical waves, dissipate and lose their energy over time, merging into the background noise of their environment. Ancient sound waves would have long since dissipated to the point where their specific patterns are irretrievable by any known method, including laser interferometry. Instead, the technology excels in measuring current, minute vibrations that can offer indirect insights into the past.

Theoretical Extensions

Theoretically, advanced interferometric techniques could be adapted to study residual vibrations in materials and structures that might have historical significance. For example, examining the subtle vibrational patterns in ancient walls or artifacts could potentially reveal information about their historical usage or the environmental conditions they have endured. While this approach does not equate to detecting ancient sound waves, it represents a sophisticated means of exploring the vibrational history of objects and structures۔

Laser interferometry, exemplified by its application in projects like LIGO, stands at the forefront of precision measurement technology. Its ability to detect incredibly small vibrations and disturbances makes it a valuable tool across various scientific and engineering disciplines. Although it cannot resurrect ancient sound waves, its potential to monitor and analyze contemporary vibrations offers significant insights and practical benefits, from ensuring the safety of modern infrastructure to preserving historical artifacts. As technology continues to advance, the applications of laser interferometry are likely to expand, further enhancing our understanding of both the present and the past.


The idea of capturing ancient voices or sounds dispersed in the atmosphere is not feasible with current scientific understanding and technology. The principles of sound wave propagation, dissipation, and the irreversible nature of thermodynamic processes all indicate that once a sound has faded away, it cannot be retrieved or reconstructed. While intriguing as a concept, it remains firmly within the realm of science fiction.

The disinformation suggesting that scientists are working to capture ancient voices, such as Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) last sermon, can lead to significant misconceptions. This idea is scientifically unfounded, as current technology cannot retrieve sounds that have dissipated over time. Such false claims could be exploited to fabricate recordings and wrongly attribute them to historical figures, misleading people and distorting historical truths. It is crucial to rely on accurate scientific knowledge and credible sources to prevent the spread of such misinformation.

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