September 16, 2024
Earth is Round
The concept that the Earth is round rather than flat is supported by numerous pieces of evidence from various scientific fields.

The concept that the Earth is round rather than flat is supported by numerous pieces of evidence from various scientific fields. Here are some of the major evidences:

1. Photographic Evidence from Space

  • Satellite and Astronaut Photographs: Images taken from space by satellites and astronauts consistently show Earth as a round, spherical object. These photos provide direct visual proof of Earth’s shape.

2. Curvature Observations

  • Horizon Curvature: Observing a ship sailing away from the shore, the hull disappears before the mast due to the curvature of the Earth. This effect wouldn’t occur if Earth were flat.
  • Airplane Views: At high altitudes, passengers can often see a slight curvature of the horizon, especially with the help of fisheye lenses.

3. Shadow Evidence

  • Lunar Eclipses: During a lunar eclipse, Earth casts a shadow on the Moon that is always round. Only a spherical object consistently casts a round shadow in all orientations.

4. Gravitational Evidence

  • Uniform Gravity: Gravity pulls objects towards the center of mass. On a flat Earth, gravity would pull at an angle on the edges, resulting in significant differences in gravitational pull across the surface, which we don’t observe.

5. Astronomical Observations

  • Star Constellations: Different star constellations are visible from different latitudes on Earth. For instance, Polaris, the North Star, is visible only from the Northern Hemisphere. This variation is consistent with a spherical shape.
  • Circumnavigation: Navigators and explorers have circumnavigated the globe in various directions. This would be impossible on a flat surface.

6. Geodetic Measurements

  • Eratosthenes’ Experiment: In ancient Greece, Eratosthenes measured the angle of the Sun’s rays in two different locations at the same time. He used the difference in angles to calculate the circumference of the Earth, supporting its spherical shape.
  • Modern Geodesy: Advanced techniques such as GPS and satellite geodesy have mapped Earth’s surface with great precision, confirming its spherical (though slightly oblate) shape.

7. Behavior of Objects in Motion

  • Airplane Navigation: Pilots and navigators use great-circle routes for efficient travel. These routes only make sense on a spherical Earth.
  • Coriolis Effect: The rotation of the Earth causes moving air and water to turn and twist in specific patterns, which is consistent with a rotating sphere.

8. Physics and Mathematics

  • Laws of Physics: Many physical laws and phenomena, such as gravity, work coherently under the assumption of a spherical Earth.
  • Mathematical Consistency: The spherical model of Earth fits well with mathematical equations and models used in various sciences, from physics to geology.

These lines of evidence, from direct observations to scientific measurements and theoretical consistency, collectively support the conclusion that the Earth is a sphere rather than flat.

The Qur’anic Narratives

The Qur’anic narrative has verses that suggest the Earth is round through the description of the creation of day and night. Here are some relevant verses and their interpretations:

Verses from the Qur’an

Surah Az-Zumar (39:5)

    • Translation: “He created the heavens and the earth in truth. He wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night…
    • Interpretation: The word “wrap” (Arabic: یُکَوِّرُ”yukawwir“) used in this verse is derived from تَکوِیر “takwir,” which means to coil or wrap, like the way a turban is wound around the head. This imagery suggests a continuous, cyclic process, indicative of a spherical object.

    Surah An-Nazi’at (79:30)

      • Translation: “And after that He made the earth oval-shaped.”
      • Interpretation: The Arabic word used for “spread” here is دَحٰھَا “dahaha,” which some scholars interpret to mean “made oval-shaped.” The word “dahaha” can be linked to “dahiyah,” which refers to an ostrich egg, hinting at the Earth’s shape being spherical and slightly flattened at the poles, much like an ostrich egg.

      Surah Luqman (31:29)

        • Translation: “Do you not see that Allah causes the night to enter the day and causes the day to enter the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course for a specified term…
        • Interpretation: The concept of night gradually entering into day and vice versa is consistent with a spherical Earth where this phenomenon occurs because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis.

        Scholarly Interpretations

        Islamic scholars have noted that these descriptions align with the understanding of the Earth as a spherical body. The wrapping of day and night over each other implies a rotating sphere, where sunlight reaches different parts of the Earth sequentially, creating the cycles of day and night. If the Earth was flat, the sun should rise on the flat surface of the Earth at the same time all over the world and same must be true for sunset. While the sun rises and sets at different times in different parts of the world.

        Story of Dhul-Qarnayn and Flat Earth Myth

        The narrative of Dhul-Qarnayn in the Qur’an has sometimes been misinterpreted to support the idea of a flat Earth. However, these interpretations stem from a misunderstanding of the text and its context. Let’s delve into this:

        The Narrative of Dhul-Qarnayn

        The story of Dhul-Qarnayn is found in Surah Al-Kahf (18:83-101). Key verses often cited include:

        • Surah Al-Kahf (18:86): “Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it [as if] setting in a spring of dark mud, and he found near it a people.
        • Surah Al-Kahf (18:90): “Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had not provided against it any shield.

        Key Points of Misinterpretation

        Figurative Language:

          • The verses use figurative language to describe Dhul-Qarnayn’s travels to the extremities of the known world at that time. The description of the sun setting in a “spring of dark mud” is a perspective-based observation, akin to saying the sun “sinks” into the ocean at sunset. It’s a metaphoric expression rather than a literal geographical or cosmological assertion.

          Cultural Context:

            • These descriptions align with how ancient people perceived their world. They are based on observational language, describing how phenomena appear to the naked eye. The Qur’an often uses language that resonates with its initial audience’s understanding without making scientific declarations.

            Purpose of the Narrative:

              • The story focuses on moral and spiritual lessons rather than geographical or scientific explanations. The emphasis is on Dhul-Qarnayn’s just and righteous rule and his encounters with various peoples, rather than on providing a physical description of the Earth.

              Scholarly Interpretations

              Islamic scholars and commentators, both classical and contemporary, generally agree that these verses are not meant to describe the physical nature of the Earth but rather to convey moral and allegorical lessons. Key points from scholarly interpretations include:

              • Allegorical Interpretations: Many scholars view the descriptions of the sun setting and rising as metaphorical, meant to convey the extent of Dhul-Qarnayn’s travels and his encounters with different peoples and cultures.
              • Language and Imagery: The Qur’an uses vivid imagery to communicate effectively with its audience. Descriptions of natural phenomena are often framed in ways that are easily understood and relatable, rather than in scientific terms.

              The Qur’an and the Shape of the Earth

              Other verses in the Qur’an, as previously mentioned, suggest a spherical Earth through descriptions of day and night cycles and the “wrapping” of these cycles around the Earth (Surah Az-Zumar 39:5). Islamic scholarship has generally recognized the spherical nature of the Earth, especially as scientific understanding has progressed.

              The narrative of Dhul-Qarnayn in the Qur’an, when understood in its proper context, does not support a flat Earth. Misconceptions arise from reading the text literally without considering the figurative language and cultural context. The Qur’an’s primary focus in these verses is on moral guidance and spiritual lessons, not on providing a scientific account of the Earth’s shape.

              Why the Earth Appears to be Flat?

              The Earth appears flat to a person walking on its surface due to several reasons related to human perception and the Earth’s vast size relative to human scale. Here are the main reasons:

              1. Human Scale and Field of Vision

              • Limited Perspective: The human field of vision is quite limited compared to the Earth’s immense size. The curvature of the Earth is very gentle over short distances, and the human eye cannot detect this slight curve.
              • Scale: The Earth’s circumference is about 40,075 kilometers (24,901 miles). Over short distances, such as the few kilometers a person might walk in a day, the curvature is imperceptible.

              2. Surface Features

              • Local Terrain: Most terrain is relatively flat or only gently undulating. Mountains, valleys, and other topographical features do not significantly alter the overall perception of flatness over small distances.
              • Smooth Surface: Over short distances, even hills and valleys appear relatively flat because the curvature is extremely gradual.

              3. Human Perception

              • Perceptual Limitations: Human eyes and brain are adapted to perceive and interpret the world in ways that are practical for everyday life. Our senses are not equipped to detect the gradual curvature of the Earth.
              • Frame of Reference: Humans have evolved to navigate their immediate environment. For practical purposes, assuming a flat surface is sufficient for walking, building, and other daily activities.

              4. Optical Illusions

              • Horizon: The horizon always appears as a straight line at eye level, reinforcing the perception of flatness. This is an optical effect resulting from the vast distance to the horizon compared to the height of a human observer.
              • Flat Earth Illusion: The way light behaves in the atmosphere can create the illusion of a flat surface. For example, light bends slightly when it passes through the atmosphere, making distant objects appear slightly higher than they are.

              5. Historical and Cultural Factors

              • Early Observations: Before the development of modern scientific instruments and methods, early humans relied on direct observation, which naturally led to the conclusion that the Earth was flat. This view was practical for their needs and persisted in various cultures until more detailed observations and theories were developed.

              6. Mathematical Perspective

              • Curvature Calculation: Over a distance of 5 kilometers, the Earth’s surface curves downwards by about 2 meters. This curvature is barely noticeable without precise instruments.

              The appearance of flatness is a result of the limitations of human perception and the scale of the Earth’s curvature relative to human experience. Over small distances, the Earth’s curvature is so slight that it is effectively invisible to the naked eye, making the surface seem flat to a walking person.


              While the Qur’an is a religious text and not a scientific manual, the descriptions of natural phenomena within it have been interpreted by many scholars to be consistent with a spherical Earth. The verses mentioned above, with their emphasis on wrapping and entering, provide a poetic yet insightful hint towards the Earth’s round shape.

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