Dhul-Qarnain the Great: A Modern Review


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Dhul-Qarnain the Great: A Modern Review |

The Holy Qur’an narrated the story of an ancient King Dhul-Qarnain the Great. According to the Quranic narrative Duhul-Qarnain established a great empire that extended from the Far West to the Far East of the Old World. The orientalists have been challenging the historicity of this Quranic character since the advent of modern ages. This paper is an intellectual attempt to prove the historicity of Dhul-Qarnain from historical, anthropological, geographical and archaeological findings. We believe that it is the legendary Turk King Oghuz Khan that has been
mentioned in the Quran with the title of Dhul-Qarnain. Kingdom of Turan or Great Turkestan was established by Dhul-Qarnain or Oghuz Khan around 900 BCE. A number of historical, anthropological, archaeological and geographical facts support our viewpoint. It should be clear in readers’ mind that the author of this paper neither belongs to Turk community, nor he is a proponent of Turk superiority. He aims just to present the facts regarding


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